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时间:2022-09-24 12:01:09 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2876字


Next life


下世───Next life


If there is a next life, darling, I may be round into a tree.───若有来生,亲爱的,我也许轮化为一棵树。

If there is next life, darling, I may be round into a tree.───假如有来生, 亲爱的, 我也许轮化为一棵树.

Oh , to be a rock in my next life Or join the water of Brook Suoxi.───来生甘作石.嫁与索溪水.

You can peacefully send her on to the next life.───你可以心情平静地把卡西送往另一个世界。

My darling, we would never part with each other if the next life , would we?───亲爱的, 如果还有来生我们决不决不放手好 吗 !

She said gently and softly: " Want to be my boy - friend. Await the next life. "───她温柔婉约地说: “ 想成为我的男朋友, 等下辈子吧. ”

Have vowed to stay the yesterday, yet his fate the next life.───《戏》曾经的誓言停留在昨天, 来生的宿命还未演.

I will repay your kindness in our next life.───下辈子就是当牛做马也要报答您.


In your next life, I hope you are a sea clam.

I want to be a man in my next life, with a woman like me.

Buddha will not have next life, will therefore love deepness.

For Tutankhamun was buried with everything he might need in the next life.

When friends parted, they exchanged loans of money to be returned in the next life.