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时间:2022-09-24 16:00:46 作者:趣历史 字数:2580字


Fence NOUN




The boy cleared the fence in one leap.───男孩一跃跳过了篱笆.

Two birds settled on the fence.───两只鸟落在篱笆上。

There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in.───以前篱笆上有个洞,我们可以钻进钻出, 可是这个洞已用木板给封住了.

Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.───每棵树、每堵墙和每道栅栏都在白得耀眼的田野映衬下十分夺目。

He kept a firm hold on my arm as he helped me over the fence.───他有力地拉着我的手臂,帮我越过栅栏.

He hopped over the fence and ran away.───他纵身跃过栏杆逃跑了.

This fence should be propped up.───这栅栏该用东西支一支.

Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence.───木料收缩,结果围墙露出缝来.


She leapt over the fence.

The house is encircled by a high fence.

I ripped my jeans on the fence.

No fence against (for) ill fortune.

He chained his bike to the fence.