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时间:2022-09-24 20:01:32 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2730字


Courtyard Dwellings




Sihe, the basic characteristic of ideal folk pattern is free, rich and diversified representations of life.───陈思和提出的民间理想形态的基本特征是自由自在、丰富多元的生命表达。

Yunqing and Song of Joy are ornamented variations of one part of the Sihe.───云庆》、《 欢乐歌》都是采用《四合》中一部分加花编成的乐曲。

Jiangyin Sihe electrical industry Co., Ltd. is a professional production of cycloid pin wheel reducer, the worm reducer manufacturers.───江阴市四合机电工业有限公司是专业生产摆线针轮减速机、蜗轮蜗杆减速机的厂家。

Finally I see the entrance of it, still like the Shanghai's mode, it's just like a large SiHe yard, it's new and it get some exoticism.───终于看见了它的入口,依然采用上海天地的模式,它就像个大型的四合院,只是更新更具有异国情调。

The key factors involved in the changes in the Sihe river system are the invasion of the Yellow River and the opening of the Grand Canal.───泗河水系河道变迁的主要因素是黄河夺泗和南北大运河的开发。

Finally, the Qi Sihe sweet and finally found his younger siblings.───最后,齐思甜终于找到了自己的弟弟妹妹。
