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时间:2022-09-25 00:00:31 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2710字


I seldom eat fruit


吃水果───eat fruit;很少───very seldom


Don't eat fruit that is not ripe.───不要吃还没有熟的水果。

Some eat fruit, fungi, carrion, or insects.───还有的以水果、菌类、腐肉或者昆虫为食。

Eat fruit when you are craving something sweet.───你如果想找点甜食,那就吃水果吧。

This ready-to-eat fruit can be offered as a present or used to make a cake.───这是可以食用的果实,可以当作礼物或用来做蛋糕。

And He answered and said to it, May no one eat fruit from you forever! And His disciples heard it.───耶稣就对树说,不再有人吃你的果子,直到永远。他的门徒也听见了。

On returning to Panjin, Wang Shun took her mother to eat fruit and some medicine to see my mother.───在回到盘锦后,王顺拿着母亲爱吃的水果和一些药品去看母亲。


Eat fruit between meals, and try to avoid sugary snacks.

Listen, if you don't want the Baywatch contract, just keep drinking loads of water and eat fruit.

It is healthy to eat fruit.

What food to eat ( fruit, vegetable ) does undeserved meeting cause death? Urgent.

You'll get constipated if you never eat fruit.