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时间:2022-09-26 04:03:40 作者:语文迷 字数:3039字


Filial piety


孝孙───Filial piety


In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed.───在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。

Filial piety is a cardinal virtue my people have brought over from China.───孝道是我的国人从中国带到这里来的基本美德.

Let us start from today, from the beginning of filial piety mother, you learn to Thanksgiving!───让我们从今天开始,从孝顺母亲开始,学会感恩吧!

He beat in me the duties of loyalty and filial piety.───他谆谆教导我要尽孝顺之道.

I saw him disobeyhis mother yesterday, so I forced him to read a book about filial piety.───我昨天看到他不顺从他的母亲,所以强迫他读一本有关孝道的书。

The goal of filial piety is to preserve harmony and peace in these relationships.───“孝”的目标是要在这些关系中保持和谐与和平.

It was, in fact , an expression of filial piety.───这也是儿子的孝心.

Begin with filial piety and fraternal love , and then see and hear.───人生的首要大事是孝敬父母,尊敬兄长,其次是多实践于天下大事, 博闻古今之理.


You had a lot of filial piety once.

Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.

The Chinese Augustinian teach, speaking the amenability filial piety.

Filial piety to become outstanding employees from the start.

Filial piety is a cardinal virtue my people have brought over from China.