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时间:2022-09-26 12:03:05 作者:学习啦 字数:2864字


To be spared


免遣───To be spared


They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.───他们将免受出庭作证的难堪。

Well, that's not so bad, considering your nerves had to be spared.───唔,不算坏,这就不会吓着你了。

There was little sympathy to be spared for any body else.───她顾不上再去同情别人了。

Many in Afghanistan were relieved to be spared a second poll in the face of Taliban threats, voter indifference and the approaching winter.───免去第二轮的投票,就不用去面对塔利班的威胁,投票者的漠不关心和迫近的寒冬,这让阿富汗的许多人倍感宽慰。

BAT who fell upon the ground and was caught by a Weasel pleaded to be spared hellos life.───蝙蝠失踪在地上,被貔子叼去,他请求饶命。

Shock Troopers, soldiers, Optera trees, the farms themselves-nothing was to be spared their wrath.───突击骑兵机、因维士兵、奥普特拉树木以及农场自身——在他们的愤怒面前无一幸免。


Nor was the record roster to be spared.

Grateful to be spared the unsettling power of that dark gaze, Ronni took the opportunity to study him for a moment.

Today we will hear whether the school is to be spared from closure.

They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.

They hoped to be spared the details.