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时间:2022-09-26 20:01:53 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3057字


Good gift




you can bestow love upon things.───你可以给东西你的爱。

Some critics of books bestow their praise or their censure by wholesale.───某些书的批评家不辨好恶地随便褒贬.

You also bestow love upon her or him.───你也赐予他或她爱。

When it came to end thirteen wise women came to bestow magical gifts upon the baby.───在宴会快要完结的时候,十三个女巫来给这个公主献上魔法祝福.

The boss could command a host of willing workers as he had favors to bestow.───首领只要有恩可施,就可指挥一群志愿工作人员.

Democracy will remain just too dangerous a gift for the Chinese government bestow upon its people.───中国政府会认为把民主当作礼物赐予人民实在是太危险了.

I just know we should be grateful God's bestow, the soul banquet for the time being.───我只知道此刻,我们应该感谢上帝恩赐我们的这场灵魂盛宴.

I bestow my own attributes over liberally on him.───我把自己的特性慷慨地施与他了.


They avoided our glances as if we might bestow the evil eye.

Council leaders want to bestow the highest honour they can in recognition of Clough's achievements with Nottingham Forest.

The lamp genie: He could bestow the most fabulous gifts imaginable, and his power seemingly had no end.

Why is it that they bestow their ardour upon the well-adjusted, wholesome architects of pop's fatal new maturity?

I intend to bestow upon you unsolicited advice, my darling.