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时间:2022-09-27 00:00:35 作者:趣历史 字数:2301字


travel for pleasure


娱游───travel for pleasure


Travel for pleasure used to be rare, most people travel out of necessity.───过去旅行很少是为了寻找乐趣, 很多人是不得已才旅行.

Travel for pleasure as well as romance with people from different cultures or other countries is likely.───同样也有可能和不同文化背景的人在旅行中有点艳遇什么的。

This is why we should not say that we travel for pleasure.───这就是我为什么说:远游并不是为了愉悦。

We don't travel for pleasure but to do business there.───我们不是去那里旅游消遣而是去做生意的。


Travel for pleasure was almost unheard of until the 19th century.

Poor men in the country did not travel for pleasure at all, combining enjoyment with business at markets and fairs.