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时间:2022-09-27 00:02:50 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2341字


Search for God


寻神记───Search for God


search for God is absurd?───找寻神是荒谬的事吗?

time has come not to search for God, but to be God.───是成为神的时候,而不是寻找神。

How do we evoke enthusiasm for our search for God?───我们如何唤起寻求上帝的热情?

Perhaps we are not as serious as you would want us to be, but we do give as much time as possible to the search for God.───也许我们不像你要求的那样认真,但我们确实花费了尽可能多的时间来寻找上帝。

Faith is not about a half-hearted search for God. Faith is about seeking for Him with all your heart.───信仰不是三心二意地寻求上帝,而是全心全意地寻求他。

When there is love, which is its own eternity, then there is no search for God, because love is God.───当心中有爱时,爱之中即有永恒,到那时就没有对上帝的追求,因为爱就是上帝。
