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时间:2022-09-27 00:14:34 作者:星火作文 字数:2385字


Care about


介怀───Care about


Would you care about a cup of lea?───你喜欢喝杯茶 吗 ?

Ruby: Yes, and I really care about you, too.───茹比: 嗯, 而我真的也很在乎你.

The capitalists only care about the accumulation of wealth.───资本家只顾积累财富.

They look too wasted to care about much.───他们看上去疲惫不堪,以至于顾不上太多。

But a lot of us care about children being given good things to watch.───但是我们当中很多人注重孩子们有好的动画看.

Xiulian the character we care about ( the ) most.───在所有课程中,我最喜欢美术.

I don't care about what you think; save your breath to cool your porridge!───我不在乎你怎么想, 你省点力气,别白费口舌了!

I thinkyouage you don't care about too you just want to get out and play football.───鲁尼希望自己可以获得一个位置,不过他也说,一旦维尔贝克获得机会,他不会让任何人失望的.
