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时间:2022-09-27 04:00:09 作者:语文迷 字数:2325字


Bullet hole


枪眼───Bullet hole


To get a pulse, I put my finger in a bullet hole.───我把手指摁在子弹孔上,还有一丝脉搏的迹象.

Nearly everyone in First Platoon had a bullet hole in his vest or helmet.───一排几乎所有人的护胸和盔甲上都有个弹孔的痕迹。

One fresh bullet hole in a wall had been circled in chalk.───其中一个墙上的新的弹孔被粉笔圈了出来。

For the bullet hole part it's really simple, we use an Emboss with these settings.───子弹孔部分的样式设置很简单, 我们在这里用了浮雕的效果.


The wall was full of bullet holes.

The living room is pockmarked with bullet holes.

Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.

The wall was riddled with bullet holes.

Several bullet holes could be seen beside a window.