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时间:2022-09-28 00:00:17 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3508字


Red mullet


红蠃───Red mullet


But note that for three hours a day it changes into a red mullet and can be caught. But your have to kill the mullet at once, or it will change into a sea gull and fly away.───不过,你记着,这条章鱼每天有三个小时会变成红鲤鱼,那时候容易钓到它,但你必须马上杀死它,不然,它会变成一只红嘴鸥飞走。

Add the red mullet, trout, snapper, seabass and squids and fry.───加入红头、鲑鱼、加吉鱼、鲈鱼和鱿鱼轻微煸炒。

My 14 mullet-15 maned mates and I even managed to get past the red velvet ropes at some of the city's hottest clubs, on occasion.───我和我那些留着胭脂鱼披肩长发的同伴们甚至闯过了红色的天鹅绒围栏绳,进入纽约市一些最火爆的俱乐部。

But the hour arrived when it had to change into a fish, and suddenly it became a red mullet and disappeared into the sea.───正巧,到了它该变成鱼的时候了,转眼间,它变成了一条红鲤鱼,消失在海水中。

The three-course meal cost included a choice of five entrees: shrimp gnocchi, pork shank, red mullet fillet, sausage or stuffed artichoke.───套餐有三道菜,其中主食有五种可供选择:虾球、猪腿肉、红鲻鱼排、香肠以及洋蓟菜泥。

I choose the red mullet as a main course, while she picks sea bass.───我点的主菜是红鲻鱼,她则要了海鲈鱼。


But the hour arrived when it had to change into a fish, and suddenly it became a red mullet and disappeared into the sea.

But note that for three hours a day it changes into a red mullet and can be caught. But your have to kill the mullet at once, or it will change into a sea gull and fly away.

Approximately three hundred red mullet surface, their glassy eyes and mouths apparent on the water's surface.

Entree choices like grilled red mullet or prawns, when available, should be taken advantage of.

Add the red mullet, trout, snapper , seabass and squids and fry.