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时间:2022-09-28 04:01:27 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2852字


Chen Xiaofeng


陈晓凤───Chen Xiaofeng


family of the dead student, Chen Xiaofeng, said they hoped the son would be sentenced to death.───死者陈晓凤的家属表示,他们希望法院能够判处李启铭死刑。

Smell the plum Chen Xiaofeng, filled with four mountain snow.───闻道梅花坼晓风,雪堆遍满四山中。

Chen Xiaofeng was a poor farm girl.───陈小凤是贫民的儿女。

The father of Chen Xiaofeng with her photo after she was killed last month in Baoding by the drunken son of a police official.───陈晓凤于上月在保定因一警务官员之子醉驾而身亡,她父亲捧着她的照片。

On the night of Oct. 16, a car struck first-year student Chen Xiaofeng on a Hebei University campus.───十月十六日的晚上,一辆小轿车将河北大学一年级的学生陈晓凤撞倒。

But Zhang Kai, a lawyer who at one time represented the family of Chen Xiaofeng, called the verdict flawed.───但是曾一度代表陈晓凤家庭一方的律师张凯表示,审判存在问题。


BAODING, China — One night in late October, a college student named Chen Xiaofeng was in-line skating with a friend on the grounds of Hebei University in central China.

On the night of Oct. 16, a car struck first-year student Chen Xiaofeng on a Hebei University campus.

Chen Xiaofeng was a poor farm girl.