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时间:2022-09-28 08:01:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2964字


Photos of Gong Li


巩俐───Gong Li;照片───Photo


Gong Li played the role of Qiu Ju in this film successfully.───在这部影片中,巩俐把秋菊这角色扮演得很成功。

Gong Li is talented and she is experienced in acting.───巩丽是个天才的演员,她对表演非常有经验。

Gong Li is an experienced actress and plays the role of strong Chinese women very well.───巩俐是一名有经验的演员并将中国坚强妇女的角色扮演的很好。

Before practicing Falun Gong, Li Ting had been a good boy in a happy family.───李亭的家原本是一个和睦温馨的家,李亭也是一个听话懂事的孩子。

In the eyes of the world, Gong Li continues to be the only face of Chinese cinema.───在世人眼中,巩俐仍然是中国电影的唯一标志。

Zhang also brought the actress Gong Li to prominence, casting her in starring roles in six of his films.───同时,张艺谋也捧红了巩俐,在他的六部电影中均有她精彩的出演。


Chinese actress Gong Li arrives on the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the 64th Cannes Film Festival.

Standing Workshop, North-looking peaks towering Dai, Chung Shan Gong Li, Lin Maoquan flying, aerial tramway, natural as painting.

Interview with actor Gong Li who plays Hatsumomo in Memoirs of a Geisha.

Gong Li has been called China's answer to Greta Garbo , and for good reason.

The main production Fuji apple orchard, pear, Gong Li!