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时间:2022-09-28 08:03:34 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2922字


Students in school performances




The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.───这个乐队演奏灵歌和福音音乐的变奏曲。

You should always perform what you promise.───你应永远履行你的诺言.

The actors clapped together a stage so that they could have room to perform.───演员们为了有个演戏的地方,匆匆搭了个舞台.

You'll never get an encore if you perform like that!───你要照这样表演下去,永远不会有观众要你加演!

A teacher's job is relatively safe, even if they perform under par in the classroom.───教师的职业相对稳定,即使他们的课上得不怎么好。

At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.───圣诞节孩子们总要唱一些圣诞颂歌。

Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.───即使病情严重的健忘症患者通常也能记起如何进行日常活动。

Any actor will tell you that it is easier to perform than to be themselves.───每一个演员都会告诉你演戏比做自己容易。


Wizards usually use magic wands to perform spells.

Computers can perform a variety of tasks.

To say little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds.

His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.

The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.