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时间:2022-09-29 08:03:32 作者:趣历史 字数:2790字


Poor girl


贫女───Poor girl


The poor girl thrilled with horror.───可怜的小姑娘恐惧得发抖。

The poor girl never had a ready answer.───那个可怜的女孩从未顺利答上这些问题。

Poor girl, she did not know how fast she was nearing trouble herself.───可怜的姑娘,她自己也不知道她很快就要遇到麻烦了。

Silence and quiet only do her good: your concern for her, and her love for you, will but augment the poor girl's disorder, if you should go.───但如果你去的话你对她的关心,她对你的爱,只会增添这可怜女孩的病痛。

You know, the poor girl, all alone in the world now, just standing there in the dark.───你明白,这个可怜的女孩,在世界上孤苦无依,就那样站立于黑暗之中。

Isabel had been secretly disappointed at her husband's not seeing his way simply to take the poor girl for funny.───伊莎贝尔觉得,她的丈夫对这个可怜的女孩子失之过严,不够风趣,她为此暗暗感到失望。


The poor girl disguised her sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

The poor girl thrilled with horror.

You've no right to scorn a poor girl.

The poor girl opened her mind and told me everything about herself.

The poor girl appeared to have had no idea.