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时间:2022-09-29 16:03:15 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3276字


How can I pursue you




The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously.───言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。

Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.───学生可以就计算语言学的任何一个方面展开研究。

From to realistic condition detesting and rejecting, then pursue mind abyss strange pleasure.───从对现实状态的厌弃, 进而追求心灵深渊的奇诡乐趣.

His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.───他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。

Most important, the basic naoscience must be forthcoming to identify worthwhile nanotechnologies to pursue.───最重要的是基础纳米科学必须善于识别出,那些有价值的纳米技术,并从事其技术的开发.

They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.───它们追赶别的鸟儿,强迫它们吐出抓到的鱼。

They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.───他们希望,为了国家的和谐,他会奉行中立、不偏不倚的政策。

He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.───他说日本将继续贯彻伦敦峰会所制定的政策。


Pursue breakthroughs in your life.

If you are passionate about something, pursue it.

Freedom to pursue extra-curricular activities is totally unrestricted.

He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.

To lose to pursue, to marry marry a happiness.