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时间:2022-09-30 00:04:58 作者:学习啦 字数:2704字


I'm used to it


见惯司空───I'm used to it


I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now I'm used to it.───一开始我觉得这很奇怪,但现在我习惯了。

I'm used to it, alway not sleep well.───我已经习惯了,经常睡不好。

At first I couldn't stand it, now I'm used to it.───刚开始的时候我还不能忍受,可现在已经习惯了。

But she stroked his forehead again and said, Stay here in bed. Don't bother washing it out. I'm used to it by now.───她又摸了摸他的额头:“呆在床上吧,别费心去洗那东西了,我现在都习惯了。”

I feel sorry for the fans more than myself because I'm used to it now and I've had worse things thrown at me.───比起对我自己我感到更对不起我的球迷,因为我现在已经习惯了并且我经历过比这更早的事情。

It has been cold but I'm from the Faroe Islands, so I'm used to it. It should not be a problem for me.───虽然很冷但我从法罗群岛来,适应起来没啥问题。


I'm used to it from slicing in the shop.

I was exhausted every day when I first started teaching, but I'm used to it now.

I do the dishes every day, so I'm used to it.