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时间:2022-09-30 08:03:03 作者:趣历史 字数:2756字


The author vividly describes autumn




Clare was the most vivid member of the family.───克莱尔是家庭中最活跃的成员.

People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.───我们这一代经历过二战的人都真切地记得当时的迷惘和无助。

This painting has vivid colours but poor composition.───这幅画色彩鲜明,但布局蹩脚.

The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.───这个故事显示了作者较强的叙事能力和对细节的观察入微。

The lightning was vivid.───闪电光辉夺目.

Our economic construction is vivid with life.───我们的经济建设生气勃勃.

The report paints a vivid picture of life in the city.───报告生动地描绘了都市生活。

I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.───我几次梦见了他,梦境如此逼真,我好几天都心神不宁。


I had a vivid dream about my old school.

Her dress was a vivid colour.

The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.

Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.

Pat has vivid recol-lections of the trip.