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时间:2022-09-30 12:03:22 作者:语文迷 字数:2520字


I was startled


吓一跳───shock me;被───cover


In this aspect, Korean people shock me.───在这方面,韩国人震惊了我。

The things people will do out of greed never cease to shock me.───人们出于贪婪而做的事情总是让我震惊。

You can't shock me.───你不会让我生气。

Bad master! why shock me with that flash?───无良主人!干嘛拿闪光灯闪我?

But it really did shock me that Italians, with their strong Catholic traditions, would also ask these questions.───但是听到有着浓厚天主教传统的意大利人也问这样的问题,我感到非常惊讶。

Moreover, the difficult life condition here shock me, it is very hard to imagine that the water which they drunk came from rare rain water .───另外,这里艰苦的生活的条件让我震惊,很难想像他们喝的水都是来自少有的雨水。


Did you think you could shock me by treating me to this sideshow?

You can't shock me.

Man's inhumanity to man never fails to shock me.