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时间:2022-10-01 08:00:40 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2787字


Mr. Rao


饶先生───Mr. Rao


In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr Rao offered two deals on loose coffee beans: 33% extra free or 33% off the price.───在另一项实验中,这次实验对象是阿克什什•劳的本科生,阿克什•劳给出了两种购买散装咖啡豆的方法:免费多送33%和价格降低33%。

paper has a different idea from the one the inspections, discriminations, annotations and proofs of So Dongpo's newly-found Ci by Mr Rao Xiaoming in No. 6,2005 in this journal.───第6期发表的饶晓明先生的《新近发现东坡词考辨补证》提出了不同看法。

Mr Rao said the site had received more than 200, 000 page views in the first five days.───饶先生声称网站成立后的头五天,就已经有超过了200,000页的留言。

Mr Rao countered that the restrictions on foreign media could not justify the factual errors and the biased views in their reports.───饶先生反驳说,对于外国媒体的采访限制,并不能证明他们在报道中的实际错误和偏见观点是正当的。

"There needs to be an internal debate within the developing countries about what is the path of development we want to have, " Mr. Rao said.───劳巫先生说:“在发展中国家内部需要进行内部辩论,探讨一下,我们希望得到的发展之路到底是怎样的。”
