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时间:2022-10-01 16:01:09 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2592字


A masterpiece


绝唱───A masterpiece


The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.───这幅画是名副其实的杰作。

The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.───这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。

The report is a masterpiece of brevity.───那份报告是言简意赅的典范。

She was a terrific ship, and a masterpiece of naval construction.───她是一艘威力很大的战舰, 是军舰建造史上的一项杰作.

A masterpiece air max ltd from God, I felt dizzy.───此必上帝之杰作, 使晕眩.

I'll set up my easel and paint a masterpiece!───我会将画架摆好并画出一幅佳作!

All the critics considered the book a masterpiece.───所有的批评家都认为这本书是件杰作.

This painting is a masterpiece.───这幅画是名画.


The book was hailed as a masterpiece/as masterly.

Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity.

This is not just another disaster movie-it's a masterpiece.

His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.

The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.