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时间:2022-10-01 20:00:56 作者:学习啦 字数:2989字


About Taiji




He has offered to show the film free of charge in Taiji.───他表示将在太地町免费放映这部影片。

I saw your father did Taiji in the garden this morning.───今早我看见你父亲在花园里打太级拳。

We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on earth.───中国人认为,太极是天地万物之根源。

Later, when he sought to help some Chinese newcomers with taiji, we were all glad to see him taking it so seriously.───后来他又主动帮助新来的华人学拳术,看他那股认真劲,大家更是喜上眉梢。

For the past several years he's been trying to stop the hunt in Taiji, one of Japan's iconic whaling towns.───在过去的几年里,他曾经试图阻止太地的捕杀行为,这里是日本捕鲸的代表符号。

In "The Cove" he focuses on trying to prevent the slaughter of 23, 000 dolphins a year in a bay off Taiji, Japan.───在《峡谷》里,他关注的是阻止日本太地町每年屠杀两万三千多头海豚。


Asunto : Taiji Pushing Hands, performed by Sifu Edward Mak and his student FAI.

I teach taiji at a neighbourhood park on a voluntary Basis.

Taiji Daoism is characterized by the extensity and creativity of thinking and the flexibility and universality of admission.

Therefore, the Daoist basis of the Communist Daoism is Taiji Daoism.

It's funny driving into Taiji. It's kind of like The Twilight Zone.