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时间:2022-10-02 03:59:53 作者:星火作文 字数:2776字


Admission routine examination


入院───be hospitalized;常规───routine


Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.───多数人不必因哮喘或肺炎住院。

You'll be hospitalized and be operated on immediately.───你得马上住院动手术.

She became so dizzy and she had to be hospitalized.───她开始头晕得厉害,不得不住院治疗。

You must be hospitalized right now.───你必须立即住院.

We think that you had better be hospitalized.───我们认为您最好住进医院来.

The doctor advised me to be hospitalized for treatment.───医生建议我住院治疗.

Any other reason he needs to be hospitalized?───还有其它的需要住院的原因 吗 ?

The doctor insisted that the girl should be hospitalized.───大夫坚持认为那个女孩要住院治疗.


I stopped smoking cold turkey and had to be hospitalized.

Patients would be hospitalized mostly at Greater Southeast, which would open a trauma center.

Another member of his family, in my generation, also had to be hospitalized for mental illness.

Should I be hospitalized?

Women between the ages of 20-50 years are more than three times as likely as men to be hospitalized with asthma despite comparable spirometry .