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时间:2022-10-02 08:03:10 作者:语文迷 字数:3381字


Human skin


人皮───Human skin


The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.───这些体长不超过一毫米的虫子以人类皮肤的鳞屑为食,并且产生的过敏原在睡眠时很容易被吸入。

as the stumpy wings of flightless birds, and the hairs that prickle on human skin, are further testimony to our shared origins.───像不能飞行的鸟类的株状的翅膀,还有人类皮肤的毛发,这些都是我们有共同的祖先的证据。

For human skin around 46% diffused through.───耳朵皮肤广泛用作代替人类皮肤的模型。

I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin.───我微笑,突然亲吻他,被他温暖、柔软,近乎人类的皮肤触感撩拨起来。

Researchers said the goal was to replace the keratin in human skin with the spider silk to realize the dream of a "Bulletproof Superman" .───研究者称该研究的目的是用这种“蜘蛛丝”防弹皮肤代替人体皮肤中的角蛋白,从而实现“防弹超人”的设想。

Aside from transforming plain old human skin into stem cells, the placenta and amniotic fluid seem to have an abundance of these cells.───除了改变普通人类皮肤成干细胞,胎盘和羊水似乎有大量的这种细胞。


A good title for the article is Human skin.

In its study, Zhong's team examined human skin cells, which are related to brain and neural cells from the ectoderm.

Cells in the human skin produce a substance called melanin.

Do NOT use permethrin products on human skin.

Their research used an "ex vivo human skin explant model" which helped them come to their recent conclusions and which they anticipate to help in further research in preventing HIV transmission.