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时间:2022-10-03 00:00:47 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2728字


Sending wax




In his hand was a parchment with a broken seal of dark green wax.───他的手里拿着一份拆开了的信,封蜡是深绿色的.

Clay and wax are plastic substances.───黏土和蜡是可塑性物质.

The electricians have performed wonders in recording these long dead voices from old wax onto modern plastic surfaces.───电气技师们很出色地把这些早已失传的声音从老唱片中转录到现代的塑料薄膜唱片上.

We'd have long talks while she helped me wax the floor.───她帮我给地板打蜡时我们谈了很久。

I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.───我用封蜡将卷轴封好,并系上一根红丝带。

The wax from the two candles fused as they burned.───两根蜡烛上的蜡燃烧时熔化在一起.

He's modelled a unicorn in wax.───他用蜡制作了一个独角兽.

Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal.───耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。


She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.

Journalists wax lyrical about the band.

The leather has been treated with wax.

Wax polish preserves wood and leather.

I need a wax candle now.