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时间:2022-10-03 00:04:17 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2600字


In the city garden


城市花园───City Garden;在───stay


can overlook the city garden from our balcony.───从我们的阳台上就可以俯视城市花园。

We were all very engaged by the idea of why wild animals would choose to inhabit a city garden.───我们都迫切想知道为什么这些野生动物会选择在一个城市花园栖息。

To ensure that the design quality, better continue island city garden, the good qualities.───为保证该项目的设计质量, 更好地延续小岛花园城一 、 二期的良好品质.

The idea and scheme of the design of the Old City Garden are introduced.───介绍了古城公园的设计理念及方案.

low efficiency of using water in modern city garden plant irrigation makes the situation of water-supply more serious.───现行城市园林植物灌溉,水的利用效率低,使本来就很紧张的城市供水更趋紧张。


Perennial ryegrass was used in overseeding trial on Manilagrass in city garden in the southeastern Zhejiang.

To ensure that the design quality, better continue island city garden, the good qualities.