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时间:2022-10-03 08:00:23 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2309字


Many flies


多蝇───Many flies


Why are there so many flies?───为什么有这么多苍蝇?

There are so many flies and mosquitoes in the park.───里有很多苍蝇和蚊子。

If many flies to do the same thing, do not need to worry about fear.───如果许多苍蝇在做同一件事情,就不用担心害怕了。

Nice top of the mountain, but the pity thing was that there were too many flies and other different insects, too bad. . .───不错的山顶,只可惜这里有太多苍蝇和其他各种不同的昆虫,很讨厌……

Until now, the wing colors of many flies and wasps were dismissed as random iridescence.───直至今日,人们还在对许多种果蝇和黄蜂翅膀上时刻变幻的彩虹色熟视无睹。

There are too many flies in the dining-room; they should think of a way to get rid of them.───餐厅里苍蝇太多,他们该想个办法消灭它们。
