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时间:2022-10-03 08:02:58 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2824字


What are the muscles in your stomach




As we age we lose muscle tissue.───随着年纪的增大,我们会失去一些肌肉组织。

Scott's muscle atrophied, his leg became stunted, and he was left lame.───斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。

The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.───骑兵尾随其后,精神高度紧张以防突袭。

He felt a sharp pain in the abductor muscle in his right thigh.───他感到右大腿外展肌一阵剧痛。

Virtue is the muscle tone that develops from daily and hourly training of a spiritual warrior.───美德是通过不断的精神锻炼而形成的坚实的肌肉.

The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat.───人体主要是由骨骼、肌肉和脂肪构成。

We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact.───我们将把兵力加进防御互助条约.

Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law.───艾森豪威尔用他的影响力说服国会修改了该项法律。


A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily.

These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.

The muscle fibre of this animal is diseased.

Adrenalin was injected into the muscle.

His thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.