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时间:2022-10-03 16:04:08 作者:学习啦 字数:2394字


Green pea


榟豆───Green pea


Green pea under the Qingxiang, it is absolutely the purpose of the permeability.───还有青豌豆赋予的清香, 那味儿真是绝透了.

I'll start with green pea soup.───我先来个豌豆汤.

Green pea bush, see the peas!───豌豆藤,看到豆子啦!

Cut the green pea jelly block into thin slices. Season with salt and sesame oil.───择好蕨菜并切成合适的大小. 用葱,蒜,酱油,芝麻,胡椒和香油煎一下,最后加少量水煮到变软.

W : Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.───青碗豆汤, 先生, 汤内已有面包碎片了.


I'll start with green pea soup.

Cut the green pea jelly block into thin slices. Season with salt and sesame oil.

Green pea soup, sir.

My little sister picked up many green peas in the field.

Green pea under the Qingxiang, it is absolutely the purpose of the permeability.