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时间:2022-10-04 08:03:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2496字


Favorable situation


利势───Favorable situation


The power of situation: place yourself in a more favorable situation or place, and you will have extreme advantage to control the outcome and the people in it.───位置、情况相关的权力:保持自己在一个较有利的情况或是位置,那么你就有绝对优势来掌控事情结果跟他人在其中的作为了。

Small sacrifices in exchange for a favorable situation, and the siege!───小的牺牲换来的有利的局面,进而围攻!

As a result of the favorable supply situation we are able to offer you the.───因供应情况好转,我们已能供应贵公司下列产品。

Creating the favorable situation, he described the situation like this: If water accumulation on ren of small streams person, even shape.───即创造有利的形势,他这样来形容形势的:若决积水于千仞之溪者,形也。

Task-situations leaders performed better in very favorable situation and in very unfavorable situations.───在非常有利和非常不利的情境中,任务取向的领导者效果更好;
