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时间:2022-10-04 08:04:58 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2526字


I also like tea


喝茶───drink tea;喜欢───like


And here you can drink tea or coffee here.───您可以在这里喝茶或喝咖啡.

GH: Director! Please eat crackers and drink tea while you work.───经理! 请您工作的时候吃点饼干(小脆饼之类的),喝点茶吧.

Would you like to drink tea?───你要喝茶 吗 ?

Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid.───不要在用餐后喝茶 -- 因为茶叶通常含有高?性.

All around the world, people drink tea.───全世界的人都喝茶。

dunk biscuits inside when you drink tea?───你喝茶的时候会在里面泡饼干么?

After the service concludes, my friend and I drink tea.───教会礼拜做完了, 朋友和我去喝茶.

Are you stopping to drink tea?───你要逗留一会儿喝点茶 吗 ?


Are you stopping to drink tea?

When I drink tea, my glasses mist over.

I always drink tea from a glass.

I don't drink tea.

I used to drink tea all the time, but I've gone off it lately.