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时间:2022-10-05 04:02:59 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3031字


Hello, I'm Miss Zhou


周老师───Mr. Zhou;同学们───Students


Mr. Zhou breathed his lastearly this morning.───周老先生今天早晨去世了。

Mr. Zhou breathed his last early this morning.───可是,一年前当周先生回到家时,他还是单身。

When Mr Zhou was asked if he was worried about a bubble forming in the stock market, he said he was.───在巴塞尔期间,有人问周小川是否担心中国股市出现泡沫,他表示对此担心。

Mr Zhou said the fund did not yet know how such partnerships would be structured.───周超表示,该基金还不知道这种伙伴关系的结构将是怎样的。

Yes, Mr. Bernard. Let me check Mr. Zhou's Schedule. Let's see. . . Mr. Zhou is rather busy these days. This week is all booked up.───好的,贝尔纳先生。让我查查周先生的日程表。让我看看……周先生最近很忙。这周都预定满了。


Our host was Mr. Zhou Xiang, who is head of the numismatic department of the museum.

For this, this print journalist is special office of group of leader of the working procedure before interviewing Shenzhen city super large-scale integrated circuit Mr Zhou Shengming.

Good morning, Mr. Zhou. Take a seat, please. What can I do for you ?

Mr. Zhou Wenzhong expressed strong displeasure at the accusative remarks made by the US side in recent days against the Chinese side.

" Keynote Speech ", " Mr. Zhou Yonglin ", " Internet Security Committee of Internet Society of China "