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时间:2022-10-05 08:02:23 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3300字






Several students interviewed at the Guangzhou Technical School, less than two miles from Huanya, confirmed that classmates ages 16 to 18 had spent the summer working at the factory.───距离环亚不到两公里的广州工业大学的几名雪生接受采访是称,他们的同学年龄在16到18岁之间利用假期在这家工厂打工。

The group charged that last July, Huanya recruited about 500 16-year-old high school students to work seven days a week, often 15 hours a day, during peak production months for holiday merchandise.───这个组织控告说,去年七月,也就是生产假日商品最高峰的时候,环亚招募了大约500名16岁左右的高中生,让他们一周做工七天,一天15小时。

Currently, a reasonable system of supervision and guidance concerning Plastic Surgery has not been established yet in China. Hopefully, we have Huanya as the pioneer in doing so.───在中国,整形专家及整形医院还未建立起一整套合理的体制化监督和引导系统,环亚美容整形目前正在建立这样的体系,非常好!

Have not see you for a long time, every time I came to Huanya so as to seeing you .───好久没见到你了,前几次每次来环亚都是看看你在不在,几天终于见到你了。

Guangzhou labor bureau officials said they recently fined Huanya for wage violations, but also said they found no evidence of child labor.───广州市劳动部门官员表示,他们最近已对环亚礼品厂违反工资规定进行了罚款,但他们强调没有发现这家工厂雇用童工。


The group charged that last July, Huanya recruited about 500 16-year-old high school students to work seven days a week, often 15 hours a day, during peak production months for holiday merchandise.