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时间:2022-10-05 08:04:04 作者:星火作文 字数:2932字


just a little


稍事───just a little


It's just a little present for Max.───这仅仅是给Max的一件小礼物.

Don't you think he could have just a little bit more flavor?───你不觉得他可能会有那么点味道 吗 ?

It's just a little Below the full nark. It'll take about a quart.───刚好略低于注满标记. 需要再加大约1夸脱.

They get paid for it. Not much. Just a little.───他们干这是有报酬的。不多,只有一点。

I've really had quite enough to eat, but perhaps if you twist my arm I could have just a little bit more.───我真的吃得非常饱了, 不过要是你硬要我再吃,也许我还可以吃一点.

Can you embellished that refusal just a little bit?───难道你就不会对你的婉拒之辞略加一番修饰 吗 ?

He wondered if the idea wasn't just a little too flaky, a little too outlandish.───他怀疑这个想法不仅仅是有点太古怪、太离奇而已。

Can you embellish your refusal just a little bit?───难道你就不会对你的婉拒之辞略加修饰 吗 ?


She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone.

With just a little imagination, you could turn this place into a palace.

They get paid for it. Not much. Just a little.

I was just a little late.