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时间:2022-10-05 12:03:55 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2584字


There was a lawn in my school three years ago


草坪───lawn;三年前───Three years ago


The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.───那麻雀一蹦一跳地穿过草坪.

The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise.───典型的割草机发出的声响约为90分贝.

The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.───草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。

She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate.───她轻快地跑过草坪,来到大门口。

If any of the spray goes onto the lawn it will scorch the grass.───这种喷雾剂向草坪上轻轻一喷,就会使草枯黄。

Autumn leaves strewed the lawn.───草地上撒满了秋叶.

The lawn should be well rolled.───这草地该好好地碾一碾了.

I mow the lawn every week in summer.───夏天我每周都要修剪草坪。


The firework showered sparks all over the lawn.

The lawn was crawling with ants.

The rabbits burrowed into our lawn.

The dog is rolling on the lawn.

Moles dug tunnels under the lawn.