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时间:2022-10-05 20:02:36 作者:语文迷 字数:2816字


a creel


鱼篓───a creel


was approved in “a climate of pressure” from the broadcasters, says Santiago Creel, who now heads the PAN in the Senate.───Creel)是现在在参议院中领导国家行动党,他表示此项提案在受到媒体公司的重重压力之下而得到通过。

This zone merely consists of a creel, which holds the old package in an optimum position for unwinding.───该区只包括一个筒子架,卷装在筒子架子上处于有利于退绕的最佳位置。

This frame is known as a creel and its function is to hold the supply packages in a manner so as to facilitate warping.───该架子统称为筒子架或纱架,其作用是使供纱卷装便于整经。

This zone merely consists of a creel, which holds the old package In an optimum position for unwIndIng.───该区只包括一个筒子架,卷装在筒子架子上处于有利于退绕的最佳位置。

the master then put a creel before it , and then squeezed its mouth . a fresh fish jumped from out───认真看看,鸟儿的脖子好象长胖了,渔人把它的嘴巴轻轻一夹,鲜活的鱼就蹦出来。


This zone merely consists of a creel the old package an optimum position for unwinding.

Hooking a fish and letting it suffocate in a creel is seemingly acceptable to all fishermen and many other people.