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时间:2022-10-06 08:02:13 作者:学习啦 字数:2706字


Funny you're going to bird




These young women are not threatened by laddishness. They think it is funny.───这些年轻姑娘没被小伙子们的粗野吓着,反倒觉得好玩。

It shows that your child can now see the funny side of things.───这表明你的孩子现在可以领会事情有趣的一面了。

The resulting show, "Only the Truth is Funny", has drawn raves from the critics.───最后拍成的影片《真相最可笑》得到了评论家的盛赞。

There is something funny about the matter.───事情有点稀奇.

He sang "My Funny Valentine" to a piano accompaniment.───他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。

How funny you are!───你真逗!

It wasn't supposed to be a comedy but I found it hysterically funny.───这本来不是一出喜剧,但我却觉得非常滑稽。

Who's that guy with the funny haircut?───那个发型怪怪的家伙是谁?


It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.

It's funny how people always remember him.

Oh very funny! You expect me to believe that?

'What's so funny?' she demanded.

A rich man’s joke is always funny.