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时间:2022-10-06 12:01:03 作者:趣历史 字数:2498字


District boundary


区界───District boundary


Fengjing lies at the boundary of Jinshan district of Shanghai and Jiashan, Zhejiang. Typical of towns in the south of China. has a history of more than 1500 years.───枫泾位于上海金山区和浙江嘉善交界处,地处江南水乡,水网纵横,迄今已有1500多年历史。

There is the site of Far East Railway Station in the city, near the urban district there is boundary monument between China and Russia, you can look Russian sentry over fireguard.───有远东火车站旧址,离市区不远有中俄绥芬河界碑,可以隔着防火栏眺望对面的俄罗斯哨所。

Bianxi" locates in Jinming District, west to the city dike, east to Zhongmu boundary, north to 310 national highway and south to Lianluo highway.───开封市汴西新区位于金明区腹地,东至护城大堤,西至中牟边界,南至310国道,北至连霍高速公路。

Saw such a clear explanation of a district boundary between Chancheng and Nanhai for the first time.───首次发现南海与禅城之间有这么清晰的分界说明。
