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时间:2022-10-06 20:04:01 作者:趣历史 字数:2790字


Elephants from Africa




I am not an ordinary elephant, but an elephant can fly, everybody called me Dumbo.───我可不是一只普通的大象, 我是一只会飞的象, 大家都叫我小飞象.

Does an elephant have a long nose?───大象有长鼻子 吗 ?

This radio is really a white elephant to me.───这台收音机对我来说真是个累赘.

The next stage is to get the elephant to the trainning establishment.───下一步就是把象送到驯象基地.

His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.───他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。

A big elephant is running amuck in the village, tearing up the trees by the roots.───一头大象在村子里横行无忌, 把许多树连根拔起.

When they saw the elephant blowing the mouth organ , the children roared with laughter.───看见大象吹口琴, 孩子们这个乐啊!

He amazed that his minister seemed to be able to read the mind of an elephant.───大臣似乎真能懂大象的心思,国王对此感到惊异.


The elephant flapped its ears.

In this way he got the weight of the elephant.

The elephant grinds its food with/between its powerful molars.

The angry elephant crashed through the forest.

An elephant hulked up suddenly before us.