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时间:2022-10-07 00:00:30 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2484字


Guess what it is


猜猜看───Guess what;这───this


He did not know, he could not guess, what the result would be.───他不知道也不可能猜出结果会是什么.

I expect you can guess what follows.───我想你能猜出接下来发生了什么。

It's anybody's guess what happened.───谁也说不清发生了什么事。

Can you guess what I was doing last night?───你能猜到我昨晚在做什么 吗 ?

You'll never guess what's happened!───你根本猜不到出了什么事!

I can't guess what you are driving at.───我猜不到你用意何在.

You can guess what it is first.───你先猜猜是什么.

Guess what Trelawny and I have exactly the same birthday.───想不到吧!特里拉维妮和我同一天生日.


I can't guess what you are driving at.

It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant.

Guess what! He's asked me out!

Guess what? I've passed my driving test!

Just guess what is in the parcel.