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时间:2022-10-07 00:06:07 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2434字






Conclusion Moxa-cone moxibustion possesses homeostatic effect.───结论艾灸具有调衡作用。

Home is the holiday, we get up early in the morning, bath, wash a moxa grass.───我们家是这样过节的,一大早起床,洗一个艾草澡,。

A moxa cone placed directly on the point and ignited is called direct moxibustion.───是将艾炷直接放在穴位皮肤上施灸的一种方法.


It is a Chinese herb, also called moxa, and right by the nail of the little toe is an acupuncture point.

The moxa benefit been lived by the gun muzzle Hai terrors of linger back, see the backset that she want to button up a trigger, and then stumble working out.

The highly aromatic herb Moxa is sometimes used.

Don't know five Dis ·what moxa Lun say be him heel which cuckoldry matter, he totally once left a two marriage.

The moxa Er a kind of insect sneers at, seeing to him isn't likely to help oneself again.