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时间:2022-10-07 04:03:35 作者:学习啦 字数:2384字


Rise and fall


起失───Rise and fall


A yo - yo can rise and fall.───溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降.

Trading is a process that exploits the rise and fall of market prices.───交易是个利用市场涨与跌的过程.

Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall.───股票的价值在某一特定的时期内会有涨跌。

Pulses have fast rise and fall times , and minimal droop.───脉冲能迅速上升和下降, 减少误差.

Stocks rise and fall, people loaf or work, but they go on forever.───股票行情有涨有落, 人们有的在闲荡,有的在工作, 而他们却永远如此.

Life is like the sea - men come and go; tides rise and fall.───人生如大海,人来又人往, 潮涨又潮落.

Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.───顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。

Dynasties rise and fall.───朝代起起落落(王朝一代代的变换).
