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时间:2022-10-08 00:04:14 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2770字


Is that how it ends


就这样───That's it.;结束───end


" Deposed " - that's it , is it?───‘ 下台 ’ —— 没错吧?

You're not getting married, and that's it, and that's final.───你不许结婚就这样.每其它好说的!

Perfect ! Fine! That's it! You figured that out fast!───很完美! 就是这么着! 没想到你这么快就学会了!

" That's it. That was wonderful, it was like Flanders Fields . "───正是这件事, 写得好极了, 像著名的 弗兰德斯 战场演说.

Bones : What ? That's it ? She's all yours ? Why did you stop me?───没问题.拿上你的头骨咱闪人了哈.

You got married, right?"—"Yeah, that's it."───你结婚了,对吧?”—“是的,没错。”

That's it. Is there anything else you'd like to see?───就这些, 你还有什么别的想看的 么 ?

" That's it, " he said; " that's a fine play. It will go all right.───“ 好, " 他说, " 这个戏选得不错, 会演好的.


I'm afraid that's it we've lost the match.

That's it. Mission accomplished .

That's it. I'm off men for life.

That's it then. There's nothing more we can do.

That's it! Simon and I are through.