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时间:2022-10-08 04:04:25 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2705字


Merit and fame




That subtracts nothing from his merit.───那丝毫没有减损他的功绩.

"It's of no great literary merit," he said, almost apologetically.───“它没多大的文学价值,”他近乎愧疚地说道。

Everybody is selected on merit.───每个人都是凭个人才能入选的。

For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit.───为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。

The argument seemed to have considerable merit.───这个论点似乎颇有价值。

As a computational facility, Undo has no merit.───作为计算机的一项功能, 撤销没有什么优点.

Those who have gained merit will be rewarded.───有功者奖.

Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved.───你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。


Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault.

The film has no artistic merit whatsoever.

There isn't much merit in doing so.

He reached his present senior position through sheer merit.

To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people.