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时间:2022-10-08 12:00:19 作者:星火作文 字数:2563字


Dead pigs


病死猪───Dead pigs


Information reported to WHO suggests that close contact with diseased or dead pigs is the principal source of human infection.───向世卫组织报告的信息表明与病猪或死猪密切接触是人感染的主要感染源。

To carry out their experiment Ms Jones and Dr Sykes put dead pigs inside small wooden chambers that were covered with clear plastic sheets.───为进行实验,琼斯和赛克斯博士把猪的尸体放进罩有透明塑料薄膜的小木箱里。

According to the reports, dead pigs found in Fuqing, Fujian province, might be the source of the outbreak in Mexico.───根据这些报告,福建省福清发现死猪可能是墨西哥猪流感大爆发的来源。

The water quality of Shanghai has not been affected by the floating dead pigs, according to the city's water supply bureau.───上海市水务局供水处负责人表示,这些漂浮的死猪目前未对上海水质造成影响。


Objective:Study the psychical state of special persons who have touched dead pigs under the closed management.