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时间:2022-10-08 16:04:06 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2839字






Hello! I'm Xiaoqing.───你好!我叫小青。

Liu Xiaoqing is a famous film star.───刘晓庆是一个著名的电影明星。

It rankles that the person is xiaoqing, her sports spirit is very surprised.───这让人心痛的人就是小青,她的运动精神真令人惊叹不已。

The hospital said Xiaoqing would need multiple surgeries to alter her eyes and nose so that they would resemble Alba's.───这家整形医院说,小青的眼睛、鼻子都需要接受多处手术才能达到预想效果。

" Xiaoqing touched the hands of a small corner of the money, and think: " This money could only fifty cents, how to do it ?───小青碰了碰手中少角的钱,想:“这张钱只能当五毛钱,怎么办呢?”

One of the first of the new super -rich to be targeted was Liu Xiaoqing, a prominent actress in the 1980s who then moved into real estate.───第一位成为攻击目标的“新超级富豪”是刘晓庆,80年代出色的女演员后来转投房地产开发。


According to the monitoring data from 2001 to 2006 of every hydrometric station along Xiaoqing River, we proposed the empirical formula between flow rate and other hydrographic parameters.

Hurray vice president and chief financial officer Guo Xiaoqing ( - ) as Acting Chief Financial Officer.