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时间:2022-10-09 12:04:22 作者:学习啦 字数:3224字


Cross the river by cableway


索道───Cableway;过河───cross the river


It is a basic guarantee of hydrological forecast to keep hydrology cableway safe.───水文缆道安全运行是水文测报工作顺利开展的根本保证.

The cableway is 3,709 meters long.───索道长3709米。

Take the Cableway sightseeing tour to the top of the rotating restaurant, Luzhou beautiful panoramic view.───乘观光索道上到山顶的观光旋转餐厅, 庐州美景尽收眼底.

Liftin or towing for cable car, cableway, ship, bridge, hoisting in inclined shaft.───用于缆车 、 索道牵引、斜井卷扬 、 船舶 、 监井、张拉吊桥 、 各种起重提升、牵引.

This is the cableway that the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.───这就是伐木工人用以运送木材的空中索道。

The composition and mathematical model of dynamic weighing system of ore handling cableway are described.───介绍了运矿索道动态称重系统的组成和数学模型.

This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.───这就是林业工人用以运送木材的空中索道.

Welcome to take the Cloud Valley Cableway!───欢迎乘坐云谷索道!


This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.

Take the Cableway sightseeing tour to the top of the rotating restaurant, Luzhou beautiful panoramic view.

Combined with the application of aerial cableway in the construction of the hydropower station, it presents the design of aerial cableway and its structural calculation.

Welcome to take the Cloud Valley Cableway!

The detection and check calculations of Jiangjunhe River Cableway Bridge in Yunxi County are presented.