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时间:2022-10-09 16:05:10 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2811字






He seemed a bit biased against women in my opinion.───我认为他好像对妇女有点偏见。

In Japan firms are biased towards growth rather than profits.───在日本,公司偏重于发展,而不是一味追求利润。

The fact that she was a woman biased some members of the committee against her.───她是女人这一事实,使委员会的一些成员对她存有偏见.

If this extra capacitor is not biased, then the CD ignition is not disturbed.───如果这额外的电容器是不怀偏见的话, 裁谈会点火,是不是感到不安.

You can't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it.───你难免会有偏见,倒不如干脆坦然承认。

The judgement is often biased by interest.───判断往往因利害关系而有偏差.

Settlers are accusing the court of being biased against them.───移民们谴责法庭对他们富有偏见的待遇.

Managers are naturally biased towards projects showing a quick return.───管理人自然对短期內有回报的项目抱有偏爱.


Of course I'm biased, but I thought my daughter's paintings were the best.

Fate was strongly biased against him.

The newspaper/He is clearly biased .

The newspapers are notably biased.

My ignorance biased me against popular music.