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时间:2022-10-09 20:02:50 作者:星火作文 字数:2786字






You can't expect not to have a debate; that's what comes with the territory in a democracy.───不要指望不会发生辩论,那在民主社会已成为必然。

We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.───我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。

This is a hostile territory.───这是敌占区.

Our country has a large population, vast territory and abundant resources.───我国人口众多, 地大物博.

We ask why peace should have an apparent chance in the one territory and not the other.───我们会问为什么一方领土上和平在望而另一方却看不到光明。

Mechanics is out of my territory.───我不懂力学.

The territory was too expensive for any purchaser, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.───这地方什么都贵, 因此,两对夫妇分享一顿野餐.

We'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory.───敌人胆敢来犯,我们就把它消灭.


Our representatives travel over a very large territory.

Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.

The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.

This island was once French territory.

Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.